google sync error -2147319779

When running / installing Google Sync you might encounter error -2147319779 when trying to sync with your google calendar.

Try this to fix it.

Start > RUN > Regedit

Search for: Computer/HK_CLASSES_ROOT/Typelib/{00062FFF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}

Make sure Outlook and Google Sync of stopped.

Rename 9.3 and/or 9.4 to anything i.e 9.3old / 9.4old.

If this does not work. Export the key and delete it form the registry.

(In my case Windows 7, Outlook 2007 9.4 had to be deleted, rename did not to the trick)

How to enable Remote Desktop on Windows Server 2012

In Windows 2012, the usual Remote Desktop window is not easily visible. To launch the Remote Desktop window, there are two methods: Command Line and Graphical User Interface.

Command Line

  1. Move your mouse to bottom right of the screen and you would see a bar, Charm Bar. Or to the left bottom to the windows logo.
  2. Enter CMD.
  3. In command prompt window, type SystemPropertiesRemote and hit Enter
  4. The above command would launch the System Properties windows.
  5. Select the appropriate option under Remote Desktop and click OK.


Replace faulty disk in P2000 G3 without a spare configured

  1. Wait for the array to become healthy (not degraded).
  2. Add the replacement disk and configure it as a dedicated spare.
  • Physically pull the global spare and wait for the system to start using the dedicated spare disk.
  • Replace the global spare disk. It will show up as ‘leftover’ (LEFTOVR).
  • Clear the metadata on the leftover disk (Menu: top level: Tools: ‘Clear disk metadata’).
  • Re-add the disk as a global hot spare (Menu: Top level: Provisioning: ‘Manage Global Spares’).

UPS management card HP UPS (R5500) error on all hosts

I found out when installing the agent for a management card for theR5500 XR UPS from HP, with agents running on Hyver-V 2008 R2. There can be a situation that an a certain time all hosts in the management interface in the UPS management card (fw 2.1.11) are crossed red.

This issue comes forward when a host from the Hyver-V servers still does have it’s firewall turned on.

After disabling the firewall you won’t see this issue again.



E.H.B.O. for EVA… What NOT to do!

  1. Check your environment (in my case an EVA4400 without any GB of data, both controllers failed, system down)
  2. DO NOT (I repeat) DO NOT TOUCH the EVA. (Leave all Disks as they are.)
  3. In my case HP was called by the customer.
  4. Go to the field-service page (that is still on the original CVE port)
  5. Go to command line
  6. Enter the given commands from HP support. (I will not mention them, but know them). At the time I went into the field-service page the EVA was gone from the CVE en in the Uninitialized part of the Service Tab. The situation was the 5 disks had failed within 1 day). Probably 2 in the sam e RSS set at the same time.
  7. Reseat the faulty disks.
  8. Again run command within field-service and restart CVE service.
  9. There your EVA is back again.

EVA back from the death of from a short coma?

What so ever. If you have 1 (ONE) problem. Do NOT pull, replace or what-so-ever on the EVA until you know you should. You are likely to introduce  more problems you can handle.

HP 4400/6400/8400 Enterprise Virtual Array and HP EVA P6000 Storage controller software version XCS 11001000 Inactive

After working at a customer site and running into a problem expanding an EVA6400 (SPOF on a disk, so I/O controllers not code loading). I heard from support of HP there is a new XCS code for the EVA x400 series and P600 range.

Below document ID: c03571575

Release Date: 2012-11-13
Last Updated: 2012-11-13


A critical issue has been discovered to potentially occur on HP Enterprise Virtual Array (EVA) 4400/6400/8400 and HP EVA P63x0/65×0 systems running controller software version XCS 11001000. The potential for this issue is only on systems running software version XCS 11001000 and that are using VAAI functionality enabled on VMware ESX 4.1/ESX 5.x hosts.

NOTE: Version 11001000 is the only active XCS controller software with this issue; however, the potential for this issue also exists in the inactive XCS versions 10100000 and 11000000.

To ensure current and future systems will function as expected with VAAI enabled, XCS controller software version 11001000 is being retired and will be listed as Inactive in the HP controller software support matrix. Contact your HP Services representative for more information on the issue and to schedule an upgrade to the latest controller software that resolves this issue.


This issue affects HP EVA4400/6400/8400 and HP EVA P63x0/P65x0 arrays that are running XCS 11001000.


Contact your HP Services representative for more information on the issue and to schedule an upgrade to XCS version 11001100. The VAAI functionality must be immediately disabled until the controller software is upgraded to 11001100.


Disable VAAI functionality on all VMware hosts that access the HP EVA array until the controller software has been upgraded to XCS 11001100.

UPDATE 16-11-2012:

The XCS code be found ->

Best practices

HP Enterprise Virtual Array (EVA) family with VMware vSphere 4.0, 4.1 and 5.0 Best practices

Running VMware vSphere 4 on HP LeftHand P4000 SAN Solutions

Best Practices for deploying VMware and vSphere 4 with VMware High Availability and
Fault Tolerance on HP P4500 Multi-Site SAN cluster

HP P4000 LeftHand Solutions with VMware vSphere Best Practices (incl. vSphere 5)

3PAR Utility Storage with VMware vSphere

HP P2000 Software  Plug-in for VMware VAAI

HP 3PAR Storage and VMware vSphere 5 best practices

IOP’s aanpassingen Alua Aware storage

Alle LUN’s standaard op Round-Robin zetten:

esxcli storage nmp satp set --default-psp VMW_PSP_RR --satp VMW_SATP_ALUA

Op alle LUN’s welke op Round-Robin staan de IOP’s op 1 zetten:

for i in `esxcli storage nmp device list | grep naa.600` ; 
do esxcli storage nmp psp roundrobin deviceconfig set -t iops -I 1 -d $i; done

Recommended BIOS Settings on HP

HP Power Profile Custom Allows to enable custom Power settings specific for vSphere
HP Power Regulator OS Control Mode Hands over the Power Management to vSphere. The other options give this control to the server itself.
Redundant Power Supply Mode High Efficiency Mode (Auto) By default (Balanced Mode), the server uses all installed PSU’s. This might look like the most efficient use, but the more power is drawn from a PSU, the more efficient it operates. The less power you draw from a PSU, the more gets lost to keep the PSU working. Thus, it is best to use the minimum amount of PSU’s so they deliver the highest possible output. The remaining PSU’s are placed in standby. This settings does not affect redundancy as the standby PSU’s jump in as soon as an active one fails. By using the ‘Auto’ mode, the active PSU’s are chosen based on the server’s serial number (odd or even number = odd or even PSU numbers). This makes sure that all power circuits in the racks are evenly used.
Minimum Processor Idle Power State C3 State Needed for vSphere Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS). Allows vSphere to halt unneeded cores.
DIMM Idle Power Saving Mode Enabled DIMMs can put themselves into Low Power mode when not used. This will save some power if not all memory is used on the host.
ASR Status Disabled ASR monitors an agent running in the Service Console. When this does not respond within 10 minutes, the host is rebooted. However, if the agent fails or the Service Console becomes sluggish (even though the VM’s are perfectly fine), ASR will detect this as a system hang and will reboot the server. Furthermore, in case of a PSOD, ASR will reboot the server as well. This reboot might cause a loss of some logfiles.
Automatic Power-On Disabled If set to enabled, the server will power-on as soon as AC Power is available. When set to disabled, power is restored to its previous state when AC Power is available.
Virtual Install Disk Disabled This Virtual Install Disk only contains drivers for Microsoft Windows Operating system.

Why does Proxy access logs show requests for

Q: Why does my ProxySG access logs show many requests for

A: Windows Vista and 7 system includes a Network Connectivity Status Indicator (NCSI) check. What this workstation will do is make a request for . If the OS gets a response, then it assumes that the PC has internet connectivity. If it cannot reach, then the OS will assume that internet connectivity is down.

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