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E.H.B.O. for EVA… What NOT to do!
Posted on January 13th, 2014 by Bert Zefat
- Check your environment (in my case an EVA4400 without any GB of data, both controllers failed, system down)
- DO NOT (I repeat) DO NOT TOUCH the EVA. (Leave all Disks as they are.)
- In my case HP was called by the customer.
- Go to the field-service page (that is still on the original CVE port)
- Go to command line
- Enter the given commands from HP support. (I will not mention them, but know them). At the time I went into the field-service page the EVA was gone from the CVE en in the Uninitialized part of the Service Tab. The situation was the 5 disks had failed within 1 day). Probably 2 in the sam e RSS set at the same time.
- Reseat the faulty disks.
- Again run command within field-service and restart CVE service.
- There your EVA is back again.
EVA back from the death of from a short coma?
What so ever. If you have 1 (ONE) problem. Do NOT pull, replace or what-so-ever on the EVA until you know you should. You are likely to introduce  more problems you can handle.